Together with our members from over a 100 countries, our Honorary and Fellow Members make us feel extremely proud!

Honorary Members

Alice Aureli
Chief of
Systems and
Settlements Section –
Loïc Fauchon
President – World
Water Council
Claudia Ringler
Deputy Division
Director –
IFPRI’s Environment
and Production
Technology Division
Alice Aureli is the Chief of the Groundwater Systems and Settlements Section, UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme & Programme Coordinator and ISARM MEMBER. Alice Aureli has a PhD in Hydrogeology and works in the UNESCO Water Sciences Division since 1989. She is responsible for, amongst others, the International Shared Aquifers Resources Management (ISARM) programme. This role has led her to supervise the work of the interdisciplinary group that advised the UN International Law Commission to prepare the Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers.
Loïc Fauchon is President of the World Water Council since 2018. He was previously elected as President from 2005 to 2012. For more than 25 years he has been strongly dedicated to international advocacy for global water security and access to water and sanitation for all. After graduating from Political Science, he first worked as a civil servant, Deputy Secretary General of Marseille, and was Mayor of the town of Trets from 1989 to 1997. From 1991 to 2019, he was CEO of the Water Supply Company of Marseille, a private leading group of 15 companies. He is a member of several international and non-governmental organizations and of the UN HighLevel Panel on Water Related Disasters (HELP). He founded the disaster relief NGO “Trans-Sahara”, as well as “Waterhelp”, two official humanitarian response programs. He was awarded the French Legion of Honor in 2003.
Dr. Ringler received her PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Center for Development Research, Bonn University, Germany, and her MA in International and Development Economics from Yale University. Appointed as Deputy Division Director of IFPRI’s Environment and Production Technology Division in 2011, Claudia Ringler has served in various other research positions in that division from 1996. She currently co-leads the Institute’s water research program and is also a basin theme leader in the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
Over the last several years she has also undertaken research on the impacts of global warming for developing country agriculture and on appropriate adaptation and mitigation options. Dr. Ringler has field experience across Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. In Asia, she has worked on natural resource management and agricultural technology policy in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China (Yellow River Basin), India, Indonesia, Laos, Pakistan and Vietnam (Dong Nai and Mekong River Basins). In sub-Saharan Africa, she has worked mainly in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa and on the Limpopo, Nile and Volta River Basins; and in Latin America on Chile (Maipo River Basin) and Brazil (Pirapama Basin).

Salman M.A.
Editor – Brill
Perspectives in
International Water
V.P. Singh
Professor of Water
Engineering –
Texas A&M University
Dr. Salman M.A. Salman is an Honorary Member, and Fellow, with the International Water Resources Association (IWRA); and editor of Brill Research Perspectives in International Water Law. He served as the World Bank Water Law Adviser (1994 – 2009), and was the co-director of the Hague Academy session on Water Resources and International Law (2001). He is the co-recipient of the IWRA Crystal Drop Award (2017). Dr. Salman earned his LLB from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and holds an LLM and JSD from Yale Law School. He has published widely in the field of water law and policy.
Professor Singh has published extensively in the areas of hydrology, irrigation engineering, hydraulics, groundwater, water quality, and water resources (more than 1365 journal articles; 32 textbooks; 80 edited reference books; 115 book chapters; and 315 conference papers). For his extraordinary contributions to a broad range of topics, he has received more than 100 national and international awards, including the Normal Medal, the Chow Award, the Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award, Royce Tipton Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and OPAL Award, all given by ASCE. Professor V.P. Singh is a University Distinguished Professor, a Regents Professor, and Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering at Texas A&M University, USA. He holds B.S., M.S., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in engineering and has received three honorary doctorates. He is a member of 11 international science/engineering academies, including European Academy of Science and Arts and is a registered Professional Engineer, a registered Professional Hydrologist, and an Honorary Diplomate of American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (ASCE).
Fellow members

Jennifer McKay
Professor of
Business Law –
University of South
James E. Nickum
Editor-in-Chief of
Water International
Robert Varady
Director of Environmental
Policy Programs – Udall
Center for Studies in Public
Policy (University of
Dr. Jennifer McKay serves as Professor of Business Law at the University of South Australia-Justice and Society. A legal practitioner for over 25 years, she worked at Melbourne, Adelaide and James Cook Universities and has an adjunct appointments at ANU (College of Law). She also acted as Commissioner of the Environment Resources and Development court in South Australia. Awarded in 2020 by the Premier’s Medal for water research, in 2021 she convened the 7th Frontiers of environmental law conference for scholars for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Academy of Environmental Law.
She is also co editor of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law e-journal for 2020 and 2021.
James E. Nickum is an institutional economist specialising in water and environmental governance. He is a China specialist, he has also engaged in research on water at regional and comparative scales. He is the author or editor of 15 books and monographs and over 60 articles and book chapters. He is the former Chair of the IWRA Publications Committee and, since September 2007, Editor-in-Chief of Water International (an ex-officio Board position).
Professor Robert Varady is and Director of Environmental Policy Programs at the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, in the University of Arizona. He serves as Research Professor in Arid Lands Resources Studies (GIDP) at the School of Natural Resources and the Environment.
He is an expert in Environmental and Water-management governance and policy in arid regions with emphasis on transboundary issues, especially along the U.S.-Mexico border. He has been also engaged in environmental and agricultural projects in West Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.