Vote for IWRA’s 2019-2021 Executive Board Elections!

The Association was pleased to formally announce that members could vote for IWRA’s 2019-2021 Executive Board Elections from October 25th up to November 25th 2018, included. 

During this one-month period, members could choose from the below list of Executive Board candidates and submit their votes online by logging-in to their member space and clicking on “Participate in IWRA’s 2019-2021 Executive Board Elections“.  It was reminded IWRA memberships needed to be kept up-to-date and that students needed to upgrade their memberships to either “Young Professional” or “Regular” to be eligible to participate in this process.

Members could also submit their votes via a paper ballot by contacting IWRA Executive Office at  An official IWRA ballot was available to be printed, filled-in, scanned and sent back to the Association via email until November 25th.

In case anyone has any further questions about the IWRA election process, please contact IWRA at


Complete List of IWRA Executive Board Candidates for the 2019-2021 Mandate
(with profile pictures, short bios & motivation statements)