World Water Week 2019

Stockholm Stockholm, Sweden

World Water Week is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. It is organized by SIWI. In 2019, World Water Week will address the theme “Water for society – Including all”. In 2018, over 3,300 individuals and around 380 convening organizations from 135 countries participated in the Week. Experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators and […]

IAHR 2019 Congress

Panama City , Panama

Global interest in water has increased rapidly in recent years. Many water issues are high on the political agenda, whether it concerns the lack of access to safe water and sanitation or the increase in water‐related disasters due to floods and droughts. This challenge must be addressed by management and policy decisions informed by science […]

3rd World Irrigation Forum & 70th IEC Meeting

Bali , Indonesia

The triennial World Irrigation Forum (WIF) aims to bring together all the stakeholders involved in irrigation of multi-disciplines and all scales, including the policy makers, experts, research institutions, non-governmental organizations and farmers. It provide a platform for the world irrigation community and interested development professionals to find solutions to problems plaguing the irrigated agriculture, in time of […]

LAND4FLOOD – PhD Workshop

Kaiserslautern , Germany

This LAND4FLOOD ‐ PhD Workshop is ambitious to provide a platform for PhD students to present their current research activities, for the exchange of successfully established and emerging ideas within the domain of Flood Risk Management (FRM) as well as private and public property flood resilience (PPFR) approaches. This three day’s workshop will also highlight the […]

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Water Security: New Technologies, Strategies, Policies and Institutions

Beijing , China

Water security is becoming increasingly important for food security, conflict mitigation, and economic development. An international conference on this topic, focusing on east and southeast Asia, as well as global perspectives, will be convened in Beijing in September 2019, cosponsored by the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and the Center for Water Resources Research, Chinese […]

World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA) 2nd Global Workshop

Ispra , Italy

The workshop allows participants to take stock of ongoing activities and devise a way forward regarding the operationalisation of the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA). This is critical and needed in face of ongoing requests for participation. As part of the work on the UN Environment World Water Quality Assessment, IWRA has been invited to […]

3rd Baikal International Ecological Water Forum

Irkutsk , Russian Federation

This year, the Third Baikal International Ecological Water Forum will be held in a responsible period for the country - at present, the Government of the Russian Federation is implementing 12 national projects in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation […]