IWRA Executive Board Meeting

IWRA Executive Board meetings offer a unique opportunity for the Association's Board members to gather and discuss quaterly on its strategy direction, initiatives and projects as well as its statutory work and any updates. The Editor-in-Chief of Water International and its Executive Office also join these meetings for better coordination, assistance and implementation of IWRA's work […]

Singapore Water Management Series on Water Quality

Singapore Water Academy , Singapore

​​​​​The Singapore Water Academy’s Urban Water Management Series will offer water professionals practition​​er-based technical solutions in urban water sustainability. If you are a senior utility or industry technical water practitioner, you are invited you to join the SgWA Urban Water Management Series. You will hear from leaders in their fields who will bring best practices […]

30th UN-Water Meeting

FAO HQ Rome, Italy

  UN-Water Members and Partners, including IWRA, gather to discuss issues related to UN-Water. This meeting will take place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. For more information please contact IWRA Executive Office at office@iwra.org.

1st World Summit on Leaving No One Behind

WIPO Geneva, Switzerland

Human Rights Based Solutions for Access to Water and Sanitation, Geneva, 7-8th February 2019, WIPO Conference Centre The Summit will be the first event in 2019 to find ground-breaking technical and governance solutions for the topic of “Leaving No One Behind”, bringing governance leaders and funding agencies together. The structure of the summit invites innovative research […]

IHE Delft Water & Peace Seminar

The Hague , Netherlands

The Water Diplomacy Team at IHE Delft is pleased to announce that it will organize 2019 Water and Peace Seminar. This seminar will take place on 21-22 February in The Hague area, Netherlands. About the Seminar The seminar will focus on the principle of no significant harm and its role in water diplomacy with all […]

5th Arab Water Week

Dead Sea , Jordan

Fifth Arab Water Week 2019 Towards Sustainable Development in Water and Sanitation Access to safe water and sanitation is essential to human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. This vital resource is under threat, making it crucial to address the challenges related to water, sanitation and hygiene for populations and water-related ecosystems. Achieving universal access […]

13th Gulf Water Conference

Kuwait , Kuwait

Despite the extreme scarcity of water resources in the region, the GCC countries have done well in providing water for their ever-increasing population and rapidly expanding economic base and activities. However, the GCC countries are faced with major challenges manifested by increasing financial, economic and environmental costs associated with providing water supplies. These challenges are […]

Asia Water Council 3rd GA & 8th-9th BoC

Manila , Philippines

As a member of the Asia Water Council, IWRA will participate at the 3rd Asia Water Council General Assembly & 8th BoC 14th-16th March 2019 in Manila, Philippines. This event is expected to gather some 300 experts and water leaders from 123 AWC member countries and institutions.