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Sustainable Technology for Water Purification Workshop
22nd April 2020 - 23rd April 2020
The workshop, to be held at the University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 April 2020 will focus on the following themes. You are encourage to attend and present your research either as an oral or poster presentation. Submit your abstract by Monday 20 January 2020, you can find abstract submission instructions on the workshop website.
Workshop Themes
- Water resources above and below ground and prognosis against population growth
- Health risks from contaminated water
- Technology solutions for tropics
- Management via Circular Economy model for Water Economy
The deadline for the submission of a one page abstract is Monday 20 January 2020.
This workshop has been proposed as a part of the dissemination and future project co-ordination between UK and India. Current collaboration with India is funded by the Royal Society London, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) and the C-MET Lab in Pune.
The international project is funded via the Royal Society Collaboration under the GCRF Scheme for supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Within SDG the two goals on ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’ and ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ are directly connected with the ongoing research theme and it is the goal of the workshop to develop these two themes for Global Water Solution in the years to come, especially for the population living between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
Harvesting natural resources at low cost for making water available for everyone requires innovation. For this reason our goal is to harvest abundant sun’s energy in the tropics for processing and purifying water via energy management. The goal is to also understand the ‘Circular Economy of Water’ for recycling and reuse so that the natural resources are not unduly exhausted.
The following list includes the confirmed invited speakers:
- Professor John Bridgeman, Pro-Vice Chancellor R & KT, University of Bradford
- Dr Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero, Associate Professor of BioResource Systems, University of Leeds
- Professor Philip Davies, Professor of Water Technology, University of Birmingham
- Professor Alastair Martin, Engineering, Lancaster University and RECIRCULATE Project
- Professor Anna Mdee, Politics of Global Development, Associate Director water@leeds, University of Leeds
- Dr Anne Velenturf, Research Impact Fellow in Circular Economy, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
Key dates:
- Submission of initial 1 page abstract for oral or poster presentation: Monday 20 January 2020
- Notification to authors of oral abstract acceptance: Wednesday 19 February 2020
Please take time to explore the website for details; key dates; abstract submission; registration and to keep yourself informed of any changes. If you have any questions or enquiries after visiting the site please email the Workshop Secretariat waterworkshop2020@leeds.ac.uk.