Li Yuanyuan

Li Yuanyuan

President of International Water Resources Association

On behalf of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), I am delighted to invite you to attend the XVIII World Water Congress in Beijing, China, from September 11-15, 2023.

IWRA is an international and professional network of multi-disciplinary, multi-sectorial experts on water resources. The core of IWRA is to conduct cutting-edge research, promote capacity-building and steer science-based solutions, bridge the science-policy interface to agree on water and development agendas and strategies, and advocate for progress. IWRA is celebrating its 52nd anniversary in 2023 and has accomplished remarkable achievements over the past five decades, but we still have a lot of work ahead of us. We will continue to build on and expand other vehicles in keeping with the needs and possibilities of the future, including online congresses, master classes, webinars, policy briefs, and task forces, as well as collaboration with key partners. Most importantly, we will continue to promote the World Water Congress as a key activity.

The World Water Congress is a well-established and globally recognised event in the water sector worldwide. Since 1973, this influential event has been successfully held 17 times and has become one of the most respected and anticipated world water events. It aims to provide a platform for highlighting and addressing global water science and management issues and networking with the international water communities. The overarching theme of the XVIII World Water Congress is "Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature". Based on that, the International Scientific Committee (ISC), consisting of 54 professionals, representatives, and active members, has proposed 6 sub-themes and 44 topics.

IWRA, together with the Chinese government, the co-host of the Congress, is inviting and welcoming various high-level experts and researchers to address key international water management issues at the interface of science and policy. We also devote ourselves to facilitating bilateral and multilateral cooperation and enhancing constructive dynamic knowledge sharing in the water sector.

I am pleased to announce that the XVIII World Water Congress will be convened in Beijing in 2023. Based on a friendly, trustworthy, and collaborative spirit, the XVIII World Water Congress will promote cohesion and openness, and encourage dialogue, diversity, mutual respect, and equity. As the President of IWRA, I cordially express my appreciation for your support and active participation.

I look forward to seeing you in 2023 at the XVIII World Water Congress in Beijing!

Please note that:

1. IWRA Gold members will receive a discount on the congress registration fees and other immediate benefits. To become an IWRA Gold member, click here to learn more.

2. Registration time zone is subject to the Beijing time (UTC+8).

3. Full-registration and student tickets include all the meals (except breakfast) during the congress. A One-day ticket only includes lunch and dinner on that single day.

4. If you are a full-time student at school, please attach your valid student ID or a proof of registration from the University or College.

5. Presenters of accepted abstracts need to pay the registration fees before 31th May to ensure that they get included in the Congress programme.

6. For poster presenter, you will be charged an extra fee of 60 USD/poster for printing on-site.

7. The Technical Field Trip will only accept participants of the Congress (including accompanying person). The Technical Field Trip ticket will be charged separately. The XVIII World Water Congress reserves the right to change or cancel the routes if there are less than 16 participants registered. To view the details please click here.

8. Cancellation and Refund Policy. The registration cancellations and refund requests will only be entitled to early-bird and regular ticket buyers. By 31th July 2023, all fees paid can be fully refunded. After 31th July 2023, cancellations will result in a 100% cancellation charge. Refunds will be made by the payment method used, and any price differences caused by the refund exchange rate and transaction shall be borne by the refund applicant. Any cancellations must be notified to the XVIII Congress Secretariat in written form to


We accept Credit Card and Bank Transfers for international (USD) payment. Payment in any other currency will not be accepted.

Invoice Issuance: For international payment, the official electronic receipt service is provided by the congress, users can choose to download it on the congress' official website after completing the payment.

Be a part of XVIII World Water Congress
as an official sponsor!

The XVIII World Water Congress welcomes water-related partners around the world to work together towards its successful outcome.
The congress offers five sponsorship packages for consideration. You may select the bundle that best fits the needs of your organisation or institution. Please feel free to contact the Congress Secretary if you have other requirements regarding to the sponsorship and benefits. Click the botton below to learn more.

Apply for Exhibition

An exhibition of scientific and technological achievements in the field of water resource management will be held during the XVIII World Water Congress. It aims to display the superior products, latest technology, scientific research, innovative concepts and practice cases. The exhibition area is nearly 20,000 square meters with customised size booths. Book your booth today to increase your visibility. Please submit your application through the Congress website or contact the Congress Secretary by email.

* Visit the XVIII World Water Congress website for detailed information on call for abstracts, special session and side events, the exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, as well as the early registration and much more!

The XVIII World Water Congress Secretariat

2-1 Liupukang Beixiaojie,Xicheng District,Beijing, China

+86(0)10-63206657, +86(0)10-63206656

IWRA Executive Office

21, rue de Madrid 75008 Paris, France
