Multilateral Cooperation IWRA – Mexico

Photo by: Cooperación Internacional
IWRA has a cooperative relationship with
Mexico due to the shared interest to prioritise water
resources and environmental management, stressing this
through various global conferences, such as the 4th World
Water Forum held in Mexico in 2006.
IWRA, as founding institution of the
World Water Council (WWC), green-lighted Mexico to host the
4th World Water Forum in 2006, having as organising host the
National Water Commission (CONAGUA) with an attendance of
20,000 people from around the world that participated in 206
meetings under the theme: "Local Actions for a Global
Challenge". Back then Aly Shady, President of IWRA, and from
Mexico, Cristobal Jaime Jaquez, Director General of CONAGUA,
and Alvaro Aldama, Director General of the Mexican Institute
of Water Technology (IMTA) participated in the event.
Moreover, IWRA strengthen cooperative
relations with Mexico through the National Association of
Water and Sanitation Utilities (ANEAS) that is a WWC Board
of Governors member, as well as the National Water
Commission, host institution of the 52nd WWC Meeting, where
IWRA represented by Dr. Dogan Altinbilek, participated in
his capacity as Vice President.
Presently IWRA entered into a Memorandum
of Understanding with ANEAS to develop and hold the 16th
World Water Congress in Cancun, Mexico in 2017. During this
meeting it was agreed to have the support of CONAGUA,
representing the Mexican government, and ANEAS and IWRA to
host the 16th edition of the IWRA Congress.