The Congress will feature a strong line-up of Special Sessions, with outline information listed below.
Please note that the organisers reserve the right to withdraw or amend any sessions.
Sessions Title | Summary | Coordinated by: | Date & Time |
SS1: Getting the best out of the global water conventions. | Recent times have witnessed two major milestones in the evolution of international law relating to transboundary watercourses, namely the entry into force of the UN Watercourses Convention in August 2014 and the opening up of the UNECE Water Convention to all UN member states. If sufficiently supported and effectively coordinated within and between the conventions parties, these two global framework instruments can play a critical role in strengthening the equitable and sustainable management of the word’s transboundary waters. This session aims to deepen understanding amongst a diverse range of experts of the role and relevance of the conventions, and the benefits of having them both in operation and alongside other global legal instruments (e.g. Ramsar, ESPOO and ILC Draft Articles on Groundwater). Key participants include: Ms Zaki Shubber, UNESCO IHE Delft Dr Marian Patrick, Stockholm International Water Institute Professor Attila Tanzi, University of Bolgna Dr Alejandro Iza, IUCN Dr Alice Aureli, UNESCO Dr Christina Leb, World Bank Dr Francesco Sindico, Unviersity of Strathclyde Mr Neils Vlaanderen, Government of Netherlands Professor Gabriel Eckstein, Texas A&M University Dr Salman Salman, IWRA Fellow and former Legal Counsel, World Bank Professor Stephen McCaffrey, University of the Pacific Ms Lesha Witmer, WWF | Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science, University of Dundee www.unwatercourses @UNWCOnline | Tues 26 May 10.30 - 13.30 Moorfoot |
SS2: The search for legitimacy: the roles of regulation and competition | A special panel session which will be chaired by leading UK law firm Shepherd and Wedderburn and which will explore links between the OECD water governance initiative and the development of economic regulation and competition in the water sector in the UK and will also examine the potential for these approaches to be developed in other jurisdictions. Key speakers include: Gordon Downie, partner Shepherd and Wedderburn Liz McRobb, partner, Shepherd and Wedderburn Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive, Water Industry Commision for Scotland Prof Stephen Littlechild, Emeritus Professor, University of Birmingham | Shepherd & Wedderburn @shepweddcarbon ![]() | Weds 27 May 14.45 - 16.15 Lowther |
SS3: Flood Risk Management in the context of Global Change Session sponsored by ICE Scotland | A collaboration between IWRA and the International Association for Hydro-environmental Research, the session will examine developments in Flood risk Management, framing UK research, policy and practice within a context of international best practice. The session will highlight the recent shift within FRM from engineering toward a discipline that considers flooding from the wider perspective of environment, society and economy. this shift, which embraces a multi-disciplinary approach to the global issue of flooding, has been driven by research and policy that aims to reduce vulnerability, uncertainty and risk in light of rapid global change and prepare society for future flood events. Key speakers include: Carlos Escartin, Water Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture Food and Water, Spain Mark McLaughlin, Scottish Environment Protection Agency Garry Pender, Heriot-Watt University Paul Sayers, Sayers and Partners Roger Falconer, Cardiff University and IAHR Nigel Wright, University of Leeds Graham Coates, Durham University Catherine Butler, Exeter University | Heriot-Watt University and International Association of Hydro Environmental Research @WaterAcademy @GarryPender ![]() | Weds 27 May 14.45 - 18.15 Lammermuir |
SS4: International Catchment Management Science & Application | The event will focus on the science of catchment management and its application in operational management of water resources. Invited speakers will highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary catchment based approach to managing and protecting water resources. Contributions will be drawn from the fields of hydrological sciences, freshwater policy, international basin management and operational water supply. The session will highlight current and future activities related to the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO and Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of WMO. Presentations detailing recent and current projects will be followed by a panel session to discuss future global priorities for catchment science. Key participants include: • Prof. Alan Jenkins, Director of Water and Pollution Science, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology • Prof. Bob Ferrier, Director of Research Impact, James Hutton Institute • Giacomo Teruggi, World Meteorological Organization | UK Committee for National and International Hydrology (UKCNIH) @CEHScienceNews | Tues 26 May 10.30 - 13.30 Kilsyth |
SS5: Catchment management for drinking water protection. | Protection of drinking water sources is a driver of contemporary catchment management methods and decision making. This session uses a panel and audience debate to explore modern concepts and practices of ‘upstream thinking’ in drinking water quality and quantity protection. The focus is on the issues, solutions and their delivery for sustainable rural supplies now and into the future. | James Hutton Institute & Scottish Water | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 12.00 Moorfoot |
SS6: Ten Years since the Millennium Ecosystem Assessments: a global perspective on water ecosystems services | Speakers take up the challenge of reflecting on what has been achieved, what lessons have been learnt and how to improve the application of ecosystem services-based approaches for managing water ecosystem in the future. By exploring the forefront of the application of ecosystem services-based approaches at the conceptual level and through a series of cases studies from across the world, the session aims at providing a completed a comprehensive and up to date vision of the current knowledge and challenges of applying ecosystem services-based approaches to address water challenges. Key speakers include: Prof Bob Ferrier, The James Hutton Institute Dr Julia Martin-Ortega, The James Hutton Institute Dr Samantha Capon, Griffith University Dr Kirsty Blackstock, The James Hutton Institute Dr Rebecca Badger, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Dr Mark Mulligan, Kings College London Dr Joel Houdet, African Center for Technical Studies Dr Stephen Turner, Lincoln University Prof Iain Gordon, The James Hutton Institute | James Hutton Institute / UNESCO | Weds 27 May 14.45 - 18.15 Harris |
SS7: The (transboundary) Groundwater Resources of Africa - the engine to stimulate human development & environmental sustainability | This session will focus on the (trans-boundary) groundwater resources of the African continent. Of all the water resources in Africa, groundwater plays a critical role in human development, particularly in the rural environment., but also increasingly in urban areas. Locally-accessible groundwater resources, if developed soundly would make the livelihoods of rural populations more sustainable and addressing rising quality issues in urban areas would enhance both water security and health. However, groundwater remains the invisible and neglected resource in spite of its importance. The session will feature a parliamentary-style debate that will focus on the legal, scientific, financial and social aspects of two provocative hypotheses: - Expertise on developing, managing and governing groundwater resources should come only from within Africa - Determination of the value and ownership of African groundwater should be driven by local needs and priorities and not by national and transnational agreements and commitments. Audience participation in the debates will be encouraged! Moderator: Richard Owen, African Groundwater Network, University of Zimbabwe Panelists: Alice Aureli, Chief of Section on Groundwater Systems, UNESCO • Guy Howard, WASH Policy Team Leader, UK Department for International Development • Robert Kalin, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Sustainability, University of Strathclyde • Shammy Puri, Secretary General, International Association of Hydrogeologists • Kate Harawa, Malawi Country Director, Water For People • Karen G. Villholth, PhD, Principal Researcher, Groundwater Management, IWMI, International Water Management Institute • Stefano Burchi, Consultant on water law, policy and administration; Chairman, AIDA • Marcella Nanni, Consultant on water law, policy and administration; Executive Council Vice Chair, AIDA | UNESCO / International Association of Hydrogeologists / University of Strathclyde / University of Dundee / International Water Management Institute | Tues 26 May 14.45 - 18.15 Kilsyth |
SS8: Acceleration of Innovation in adapting communities to climate risks and population growth | Many of today’s global challenges are in the water sector. We are focusing on innovative solutions to the global water challenges, especially on adapting communities to climate risks and population growth. Innovation is often marked as THE solution to solve all these challenges. These are the times of changing which requires adaptation to the changing circumstances. But what do we mean by innovation? What can we learn from successful innovations and how can support current innovations to take the next step? • Lisette Heuer, Technical Director & Chief Officer Operations Rivers, Deltas & Coasts – Royal HaskoningDHV (NL) • Fola Ogunuyoye, Technical Director and Leading Professional for Flood Resilience Rivers, Deltas and Coasts Royal HaskoningdHV (UK) • Isabelle Fauconnier, Water Policy & Sustainability Advisor Global Water Programme – IUCN (Swiss) • Professor Gareth Pender, Professor of Civil Engineering Institute for Infrastructure and Environment – Heriot-Watt University (UK) • Damian Crilly, Manager Environment & Business –Environment Agency (UK) | Royal HaskoningDHV @LisetteHeuer IUCN ![]() | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 13.30 Carrick |
SS9: Water Footprint Assessment: A new frontier in water resource management | The seminar will present innovative research to help understand the existing knowledge base and debate current research gaps in applying Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) as a means to reach the goal of sustainable, efficient and fair use of freshwater resources both at both the local and global scale. The seminar will illuminate how we can integrate theory into practice by providing a platform for scientists and practitioners to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the existing knowledge base in WFA, identifying practical problems in implementing WFA in different fields ranging from public policymaking to investments into strategic action, from awareness raising to capacity building, and cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder dialogue in river basins. | Water Footprint Network, Enschede @WaterFootprintN | Tues 26 May 14.45 - 18.15 Lammermuir |
SS10: Climate Change and Water in Developing Countries | This session will introduce the Climate Change program of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Researchers from developing countries will present scientific evidence on adaptation measures to support ecosystems, food security, industry and changing agricultural water demands in the face of climate change. Each IDRC project partner will present a developing country case study, including an analysis of the problem, an overview of the research, and an exploration of the proposed solutions. As part of their presentation, panelists will also speak to the challenges and opportunities of conducting field research on climate change adaptation in the water sector, share lessons learned on how to build the capacity of research users, and discuss strategies to communicate research to different end-users. A final debate will enable a lively interaction between experts and the audience. | International Development Research Centre @climateadaptH20 ![]() | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 18.15 Cromdale |
SS11: Food and Water security: New actors in the global water trade | This special session on global food and water supply chain investment and trade offers a new perspective by placing the interests of the states into the context of 21st century food politics. Presentations as follows: - Global Supply Chains, Tony Allan - The Atlantic Trading Space and Africa, Karim El Aynaoui - The Pacific Trading Space, Martin Keulertz - The Middle East and North Africa, Eckart Woertz - Latin America and water trade flows, Mark Mulligan - Localising food security Rabi Mohtar | Kings College / Texas A&M/ OCP Policy Center @KCLGeography @MKeulertz @eckartwoertz @ocppolicycenter | Mon 25 May 14.00 - 15.30 Kilsyth |
SS12: Water and Infection Disease/Water Health | Special session on Infectious Diseases & Water Health looking at the challenges of creating clean water resources in the Developed and Developing World. Key participants include: Richard Allan, James Hutton Institute Helen Bridle, Heriot Watt University Ameet Pinto, University of Glasgow Julien Reboud, University of Glasgow Beth Wells, Moredun Research Institute | University of Glasgow | Tues 26 14.45 - 18.15 Moorfoot |
SS13: Fluvial Greenhouse Gas Emissions (OFFSITE SPECIAL SESSION) | Quantifying and understanding dissolved greenhouse gas loads and efflux is vital to understand the important role surface water play in mediating their environment. For example, this data could be required to fully estimate the carbon footprint of a water technology, or to understand responses to catchment management. The University of Glasgow Carbon Landscape and Water@glasgow research groups have considerable expertise in making such measurements internationally and understanding the significance of this efflux. In this short workshop you will learn about the drivers of gas efflux from surface waters and the tools used to make measurements and field experience if possible. | University of Glasgow | Weds 27 May 08.30 ALL DAY This session must be booked separately: See below for booking details. |
SS16: A bottom up approach to water security and poverty eradication. | How do we ensure that local communities and water-users are involved in decisions on water allocation and risk management? What role can they play in ensuring water resources are well-managed and WASH services keep working forever? What role does policy play in supporting community invovlement in IWRM? How can we make certain that local, national and international water policy connects with the on-the-ground-realities? How often do NGOs have an ‘exit strategy’ and are community approaches even scalable? These are some of the tough questions WaterAid wants to explore. This interactive session will highlight the vital importance of the WASH and water resources management interface, laying bare the compelling reasons for actively engaging water-users in the IWRM process and discussing current approaches to engagement. It will examine themes of water security, climatic challengesand meaningful inclusion. A lively open-floor audience discussion will provide the opportunity to ask difficult questions and help define the policy changes needed to embed community involvement in IWRM. | WaterAid @WateraidSNI | Fri 29 May 09.15 - 10.45 Carrick |
SS17: In search of best practices for Water Resource Management: Has anyone reached the top?’ | AIDA-linked panel discussion - Moderator: Prof Jane Maslow Cohen This session aims to take an overarching global view of the governance practices of water managers, institutional and state actors to integrate best practice in water resource management. It will ask if best practice have really begun to emerge and if so, by what criteria they should be judged and their positive effects spread. --Stefano Burchi: Best national laws and trends in law --Gabriel Eckstein: Best developments in the law and policy of transboundary water resources --Jane Cohen: Best Science News; Best Policy Ideas, By Example --Bettina Lange: Best UK Agricultural Water Use Norms --Paul Kibel: Best News from California Water Law --Special Round-Table Guest: Mark Squillace, University of Colorado Law School | University of Texas | Thurs 28 May 10.30 - 12.00 Carrick |
SS18: Questioning Water Governance: From concepts to practice. | Getting water governance ‘right’ continues to be an elusive goal. The purpose of this session is to unpack the notion of governance using interdisciplinary insights and shedding critical light to the power and politics at play. The discussion of the panel will highlight ways to re-invigorate the academic and policy debate on water governance through the lenses of actors, scale, institutions and knowledge. The key message of this session points to the problems of de-politicising water governance, while at the same time the ways in which we can better identify the inequalities and repercussions of water governance mechanisms not suited to context. This session is part of a two-part special session with SS19: "Levelling players and context: Re-examining policy for transboundary water allocation and governance." Scene setting presentation: Dr. Naho Mirumachi & Dr. Andrea Gerlak Speaker 1: Prof Bob Varady, University of Arizona Speaker 2: Dr Christina Cook, Oxford University Speaker 3: Dr. Jeroen Warner, Associate Professor, Wageningen University | Kings College London / University of Arizona @KingsWaterKCL | Mon 25 May 16.00 - 17.30 Lowther |
SS19: Levelling players and context: Re-examining policy for transboundary water allocation and governance. | While the importance of trans-boundary water cooperation is touted in both academic and policy literature, the challenge of putting into practice actual measures for ensuring equity remains. The roundtable discussion of this session will draw on cutting-edge thinking and policy practices that attempt to address issues of power, institutional design and capacity of actors. The session aims to develop interdisciplinary insights on both the outcomes and processes of trans-boundary water governance. This session is part of a two-part special session and is preceded by SS18: "Questioning Water Governance" which presents a critique on water governance mechanisms not suited to context. Chair: Dr. Naho Mirumachi, KCL Scene setting: Dr. Mark Zeitoun, UEA Speaker 1: Steph Hawkins, University of Strathclyde Speaker 2: Juan Carlos Sanchez, University of Dundee Speaker 3: Dr. Larry Swatuk, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo | Kings College London / School of International Development / Water Security Research Centre, University of East Anglia / London Water Research Group @KingsWaterKCL @WSRCentre @LondonWaterRG | Tues 26 May 10.30 - 12.00 Lowther |
SS20: Water Security - debating an emerging concept | This joint session comprises a panel discussion among leading academics and practitioners to explore and discuss emerging conceptualisations of water security. While some conceptualisations of water security are rather reductive and emphasise 'volumetric' sufficiency more progressive pathways to water security may be found through foregrounding the politics of the relationships that perpetuate unequal relationships with water, and through direct engagement with water systems and governance arrangements. Part I (10.30-12.00): The global water security challenge (Chair - Christopher Scott, Professor and Distinguished Scholar, University of Arizona, Udall Centre for Studies in Public Policy/School of Geography & Development) Speaker 1: Sarah Wade, Water Security and International Development, University of East Anglia Speaker 2: Robert Varady, University of Arizona Speaker 3: John Colvin, Emerald Network Ltd and Oxford University Speaker 4: Bimo Nkhata, Charles Breen, Duncan Hay, Monash South Africa University, University of kwaZulu Natal, South Africa Speaker 5: Chad Staddon, Sean Langberg, Robert Sarkozi, University of the West of England, Bristol and UNC, Chapel Hill, USA. | University of East Anglia Water Security Research Centre with the Universities of Arizona and Western England @WSRCentre | Tues 26 May 10.30 - 12.00 Lowther |
SS21: Water Security - debating an emerging concept | This session comprises a panel discussion among leading academics and practitioners to explore and discuss emerging conceptualisations of water security. While some conceptualisations of water security are rather reductive, more progressive pathways to water security may be found through foregrounding the politics of the relationships that perpetuate unequal relationships with water, and through direct engagement with water governance arrangements. Part II (14.45-16.15): Water security and competing discourses (Chair – Chad Staddon, Professor of Resource Economics and Policy, University of the West of England, FET – Geography and Environmental Management) Speaker 1: Mark Zeitoun, UEA Water Security Research Centre, University of East Anglia Speaker 2: Virginia Hooper, UEA Water Security Research Centre, University of East Anglia Speaker 3: Bruce Lankford, UEA Water Security Research Centre, University of East Anglia Speaker 4: Christopher Scott, University of Arizona Speaker 5: Nick Hepworth, Water Witness International, Edinburgh Speaker 6: Dorice Agol, University of East Anglia Part III (16.45-18.15): The future of water security (Bruce Lankford, Professor of Water and Irrigation Policy, School of International Development, University of East Anglia) Speaker 1: Fu Sun, Asia-Pacific Centre for Water Security, Tsinghua University Speaker 2: Elena Lopez-Gunn, ICATALIST and Universidad Complutense Madrid Speaker 3: Sebastian Vicuña, Centro de Cambio Global UC, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Speaker 4: Tyler Farrow, Water Witness International, Edinburgh Speaker 5: Sharon Megdal, Water Resources Research Centre, University of Arizona | University of West of England / University of Arizona / University of East Anglia | Tues 26 May 14.45 - 18.15 Menteith |
SS22: Governance of shared waters - adaptation to climate change | This session will be directed toward finding practical answers to complex legal questions arising from the emerging need to better understand the best legal and institutional frameworks for adapting to climate change, in particular, from a water governance and ecosystems perspective. As a theme that is multi-linear, multi-level and cross-sectorial in nature, adaptive water governance is highly complex and begs many questions. | ClientEarth @AttyforEarth | Mon 25 May 11.15 - 12.45 Lammermuir 1 |
SS23: Water and Mountains | Water challenges in mountains remain a blind spot in global water debates and agendas. Compared to other geographies and water systems, mountain water and governance systems are relatively unknown and receive little attention. This Panel will discuss the water challenges in mountain environments, their importance for downstream areas and the need to mainstream these issues in global water agendas. Drawing on the work of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and its partners in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, the panel will debate key mountain water issues with downstream impacts, such as the dynamics and relationships between (1) changing water availability due to climate change, (2) trade-offs and benefit sharing of hydropower and water storage development, and (3) water hazards and disasters. Dr. David Molden, ICIMOD, Panel Chair Dr. Philippus Wester, ICIMOD, Panel Organizer and Speaker Ms. Neera Shrestha Pradhan, ICIMOD, Speaker Dr. Christopher Scott, University of Arizona, Panelist Dr. Martin Price, University of the Highlands and Islands, Panelist Other panelists to be confirmed | International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and HI-AWARE | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 12.00 Menteith |
SS24: Water policy, practice and science interface: delivering relevant and meaningful research in a multidisciplinary sector | CREW (Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters) delivers accessible research and expert opinion to support Scottish Government and its delivery partners in the development and implementation of water policy in Scotland. This session will explore this new and novel way of working to share best practice and showcase Scotland’s approach through the three CoEs on water, climate change and animal disease. | CREW (Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters) | Thurs 28 May 16.45 - 18.15 Carrick |
SS25: Water identity, intercultural dialogue, and the implications of financing: different aspects of assessing large water infrastructure projects | While large water infrastructure can provide for growing energy demands, raise living standards and boost economic growth, there is increased public concern with environmental and social impacts and the exclusion of marginalised groups. Case-studies in Asia and Northern Australia show the contemporary interface between local communities and industrial development often lack transparent and participatory assessment of options. Results include distrust between actors and rejection of projects by affected communities. Strong statutory decision-making frameworks are key to fair and sustainable outcomes while the effectiveness of mitigation measures and resettlement plans determine whether such projects aid or destroy identity and livelihoods. Key speakers include: Prof Poh-Ling Tan Dr Anne Poelina Dr Naho Mirumachi & Kristofer Chan | Griffith Law School & the International WaterCentre, Brisbane, Australia | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 12.00 Fintry |
SS26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Middle East and Central Asia | The session shares research from an ongoing project that identifies and devises sustainable development policies by recognizing the water-energy-food nexus and utilizing a watershed approach. The research is developing an empirically driven water-energy-food nexus model that incorporates consideration of social, political, technical, economic, and environmental constraints. Key participants include: Prof. Sameh El Khatib, Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, The University of Tokyo, Japan Carl Bruch, Environmental Law Institute | Masdar Institute & the University of Tokyo | Weds 27 May 14.45 - 16.15 Carrick |
SS27: An Equitable and Reasonable Use of Nile Waters and Resources: Implications for Sustainable Development and Cooperation in the Region | The use of Nile waters in general and the Blue Nile in particular can be either a source of tension or an opportunity for an effective cooperation among downstream and upstream riparian states in the basin. The special session will approach the subject from different disciplines’ perspectives - international law, hydrology and engineering, environment and development and human rights. Experts from Scotland, continental Europe and the region will engage with the various opportunities for cooperation to use Nile waters in an equitable, reasonable and sustainable manner and the challenges therein. 0:30: Welcome and introductory matters--Zeray Yihdego (Aberdeen University, UK) 10-35-12:00: First half Panel I. Policy, Hydrology and Implications of the GERD. Chair: Professor James Nickum -IWRA 10:35- 10: 50: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Challenges and Opportunities, Dr. Salman Salman (Fellow, IWRA) 10:50-11:05: Power Trade Assessment in Eastern Nile Basin Countries, Dr Haytham Awad (Alexandria University, Egypt) 11:05-11:20: Filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Implications for Riparian Neighbors, Prof Paul Block (University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA) *video/skype presentation 11:20- 11:30: GERD and the Changing Hydropolitcal Dynamics in the Nile Basin, Dr Tesfaye Tafesse (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) 11:30- 12:00 –Discussion with panellists 12: 00-12:05: coffee while continuing 12:05-1:30: Second half Panel II. Legal and Political Foundations of the use of the (Blue) Nile Chair: Dr Owen McIntyre, University College – Cork 12:05- 12:20: Fairness as Key to Cooperation and Advancing Mutual Interest in the Use and Preservation of Trans-boundary Water Resources: The GERD’s Case, Dr Zeray Yihdego (Aberdeen University, UK) 12:20-12:35: Human Rights Approach to the Utilisation of International Watercourses: the Blue Nile Challenge, Professor Dirk Hanschel (Halle University, Germany) 12:35-12:50: Water Challenges in the IGAD Region: towards new legal frameworks for cooperation, Dr Marcella Nanni (AIDA, Italy) 12:50 -1:30: Discussion with panellists | University of Aberdeen School of Law | Thurs 28 May 10.30 - 13.30 Lowther |
SS28: Water Stewardship - the private sector's leadership opportunity | Agriculture, energy and power, food, mining, steel, and cloud computing all use enormous amounts of water, often over 1M gallons per day. Because of the speed with which industry moves to survive and thrive, the inevitable implementation of water efficiency systems that also save money are a natural result of the private sector’s inexorable entrepreneurial process. The intent of the roundtable is to review and compile the elements of the two major categories of water efficiency systems that have been implemented by the private sector: water management strategies, and water/wastewater treatment technologies. Participants will ideally be CEOs from major international firms, or secondarily, their corporate officers and directors of sustainability and/or corporate social responsibility. Key participants include: Dr. David Molden Professor Gabriel Eckstein Renee Nagle-Martin | Amazon Web Services | Thurs 28 May 16.45 - 18:45 Tinto |
SS29: Equity and water: questions of access and benefit-sharing | References to equity and to the equitable and reasonable utilization of natural resources are present in both international treaties and national laws and policies. But what do they mean? This special session will provide a space for discussion on different possible approaches to equity in international and national water law and policy, focusing on questions related to access to water and to the sharing of economic, environmental and socio-cultural benefits arising from its sustainable management. To do so, the session will investigate the interactions among water law and human rights, biodiversity, climate change and development. Key participants include: • Elisa Morgera, Senior Lecturer in Global Environmental Law, University of Edinburgh School of Law • Francesco Sindico, Reader in International Environmental Law, University of Strathclyde Law School • Alistair Rieu Clarke, Reader in International Law, University of Dundee Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science • Kerstin Mechlem, Lecturer, Transtional Justice Institute, University of Ulster • Mara Tignino, Senior Researcher, Platform for International Water Law, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva • Ruby Moynihan, Researcher in Environmental Law at Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforshung (Centre for Environmental Research) • Juan Carlos Sanchez, Hydronation Scholar, University of Dundee Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science • Attila Tanzi, Professor of International Law, University of Bologna and Member of the UNECE Water Convention Implementation Committee • Salman Salman, Fellow, International Water Resources Association (IWRA) • Jamie Skinner, Principal Researcher, Natural Resources Group; Team Leader, Water, IIED • Marco Pertile, Professor of International Law, University of Trento, Italy • Christina Leb, Senior Water Resources Specialist at The World Bank Paulo Turrini | Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance/ University of Dundee Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science / University of Edinburgh School of Law / BENELEX project @BENELEXedinburg @UNWCOnline | Mon 25 May 14.00 - 17.30 Carrick |
SS30: Water Governance Capacity | This session aims to discuss and compare the main elements that constitute water governance capacity, and different approaches of measuring water governance capacity. Results of the discussion will be used to make theoretical steps further, but also to help the OECD refining its assessment approach of water governance. The papers presented will be used to compile a special, combined issue of the International Journal of Water Governance and the International Journal of Water Resources Development, presenting the state of the art of our thinking on water governance capacity. Key participants include Prof Dr Geert Teisman, Dr Cecilia Tortajada, Dr Aziza Akhmouch (OECD Water Governance Initiative), Prof Dr Jurian Edelenbos, Dr Jeroen Warner. | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Thurs 28 May 12.00 - 13.30 Lammermuir 2 |
SS31: ICT, Water and Climate Change | The objective of this session will be to present results of research work that has been carried out by PhD and MSc researchers in Africa, Asia and Latin America within the Water, Climate Change and ICT nexus through an IDRC Supported grants programme. The session will examine various elements associated with application of ICTs in addressing water related impacts of climate change within the context of Adaptation Strategies, Mitigation Strategies, Climate Change Modelling and Interface of Climate Models with the Agro-ecosystem model, Water resource management among others. | University of Nairobi / IDRC @ICTWCC | Tues 26 May 14.45 - 16.15 Lowther |
SS32: Climate change loss and damage: a key emerging concept in water resource management | Through invited talks and a panel discussion, this Special Session will introduce the ‘loss & damage’ concept and explore its utility in water resources management. Introduced by the UNFCCC process, loss and damage recognizes that there are impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided by conventional approaches to mitigation and adaptation. Climate forcing will result in both slow onset water cycle changes at regional and local scales and more frequent and intense extremes of drought and flooding. Loss and damage recognises that these impacts will be greatest in developing countries with the least adaptive capacity. A key outcome for the session is a discussion of how best the international water community can help developing countries address residual loss and damage through innovative science, policy and regulatory approaches. Key speakers are: Professor John Rowan (Moderator) Director of Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR), University of Dundee, UK. Prof Alan MacDonald (Speaker and Panellist) Principal Hydrogeologist, British Geological Survey, Dr Kees van der Geest (Speaker and Panellist) Scientific Director, Loss and Damage Case Studies. Institute for Environment and Human Security, United Nations University in Bonn, Germany Professor Robert Kalin (Speaker and Panellist) Professor of Engineering for Sustainability, David Livingstone Centre for Sustainability, University of Strathclyde Mr Nandan Mukherjee (Panellist) Hydro Nation Scholar CECHR, University of Dundee | Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience, University of Dundee | Mon 25 May 11.15 - 12.45 Moorfoot |
SS33: China's Water Resource Management: Challenges and Strategies | This session will focus on the challenges and strategies of China’s water resource management in new conditions, including China’s water security strategies, China’s water preservation and governance, China’s water management reform and related international exprience. Experts from China and abroad are invited to discuss China’s water resource management and promulgate successful strategies. Seven keynote speeches will be presented, including China’s water challenges in new conditions and water security strategies, The most stringent water management system: Practice and experience, Builing institutions for water right in China, Climate change and its adaptation in water security, Water preservation and governance in the Yangtze River Basin. | Chinese Ministry of Water Resources | Mon 25 May 14.00 - 17.30 Moorfoot |
SS34: Incorporating the Science Evidence Base into Water Policy and Law – catchment, national and transboundary challenges and perspectives | Water law and policy are critical to ensuring that water resources are managed in an equitable and sustainable manner. However, such laws and policies cannot work in isolation. Their design and successful implementation will be contingent on there being an appropriate bridge with science and scientists. Scientific knowledge and understanding from a range of disciplines (natural and social) can ensure that laws and policies are designed in a way that is responsive to the salient needs and interests of a range of uses, including ecosystems. However, to date the linkages between scientific knowledge and understanding and law and policy design has been inadequate. The same can be said about the processes by which science informs the implementation of laws and policies and dispute settlement. More therefore needs to be done to explore the linkages between water law, policy and science; as well as amongst networks of lawyers, policy-makers and scientists at catchment, national and transboundary levels. Module A: • Professor Bob Harris, Visiting Professor, Catchment Science Centre, University of Sheffield, Secretariat, Demonstration Test Catchments Programme, Defra • Professor Chris Spray, Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science University of Dundee • Sally Thomas, The Scottish Government, Natural Resources Division • Dr Roy Richardson, Scottish Environment Protection Agency • Luke Comins, Director of Tweed Forum Module B: • Delphine Clavreul, OECD Water Governance Programme • Prof. Marian Scott, Professor of Environmental Statistics, University of Glasgow • Andrew Allan, Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee • Giacomo Terrugi, WMO Associated Programme on Flood Management • Dr. Christian Kuhlicke, Helmholtz Centre, Leipzig Module C: • Dr Salman Salman, IWRA Fellow and former Legal Counsel, World Bank • Professor Stephen McCaffrey, McGeorge School of Law • Dr Mara Tignino, University of Geneva • Ms Ruby Moyniham, University of Edinburgh • Dr Naho MIrumachi, King’s College London • Dr Mark Zeitoun, University of East Anglia | Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee @UNWCOnline | Weds 27 May 10.30 - 16.15 Kilsyth |
SS35: Tools for Adaptation: An online catalogue of adaptation options | Momentum is building to develop innovative local adaptation responses. However, fostering local resilience and accelerated adaptation requires the development of tools that allow successful and innovative solutions to be shared and scaled-up. This workshop will showcase a compendium of adaptation options and provide participants with the opportunity to test this interactive tool. The tool serves two functions: 1) as a portal of information to help increase knowledge on identified adaptation options, and 2) as a platform for synthesized and assessed information on the adaptation options included. | ICLEI Canada @ewa_jackson | Thurs 28 May 16.45 - 18.15 Lammermuir 2 |
SS36: The salty dimension of water governance - the link between upstream management and downstream impacts | Both freshwater and marine ecosystems are under significant pressure from human activities, exacerbated by current global development trends like demographic changes, consumption patterns and economic growth. The linkages between land, rivers, coast and sea cannot be overlooked - there is plenty of scientific knowledge on how the ecosystems function and the issues they are facing. We are however still facing challenges in how to govern and manage common-pool resources, like water, across connected systems (land, rivers, sea) in the most effective way. This session will discuss the current barriers and opportunities at global and local scale where water governance can take a step further to ensure sustainable investments in the source-to-sea continuum. Key speakers include: Torkil Jonch Clausen, SIWI (Chair) Colin Moffat, Marine Scotland Vincent Sweeney, UNEP-GPA Tom Soo, IWRA Isabelle Fauconnier, IUCN Raya Stephan, UNESCO-IHE consultant Neil Ritchie, Scottish Governmental Environmental Quality Division Calum McPhail, Scottish Environment Protection Agency Naim Haie, University of Minho Henning Bjornlund, University of Lethbridge Click here for an information leaflet about this session. | Action Platform on Source to Sea Management / Stockholm International Water Institute | Weds 27 May 14.45 - 16.15 Moorfoot |
SS37: Smart Water Management for Green Growth | Aimed at policy makers, water management specialists and corporate officials. This special session, titled “Smart Water Management for Green Growth(Green Economy” aims to 1) serve as a platform for discussion on the Smart water management; 2) explore the relevance between the Smart Water Management and Green Growth; and 3) share the practical cases of Smart water Management for Green Growth | K-water | Thurs 28 May 10.30 - 13.30 Menteith |
SS38: Young professionals workshop: Future water challenges and the Sustainable Development Goals | This session will discuss the main future water challenges in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Speakers will discuss the SDG process and debate how students and youth professionals can influence the post 2015 development agenda and how to bridge thematic and professional gaps to meet future challenges. | International Water Resources Association / Student/Youth Professional Working Group | Weds 27 May 16.45 - 18.15 Sidlaw |
SS39: aquaNow | Globally web-cast panel discussion about current water news. Produced by OOSKAnews Inc., the world’s leading publisher of water news and intelligence. Key participants include David Duncan and a distinguished panel of international and Scottish voices from disparate elements of the world water family. | OOSKAnews @ooskanews | Fri 29 May 09.15 - 10.45 Moorfoot |
Booking Details for Offsite Special Session SS13: Understanding and quantifying gas efflux from surface waters
Click here to book your place on this offsite special session.