Call for Proposals – IWRA’s 1st Islands Water Congress

IWRA's 1st Islands Water Congress - Call for Proposals

We are excited to announce the Call for PapersSpecial Sessions, and Creative Proposals for IWRA’s 1st Islands Water Congress, organised in collaboration with the Faroese Geological Survey (Jarðfeingi).

IWRA’s 1st Islands Water Congress on “Freshwater and Islands: Administration, Collaboration, and Innovation” aims to create a dynamic forum for island-specific responses to freshwater challenges and opportunities. This exciting event will unite experts, researchers, and practitioners from across the globe to explore the unique water challenges faced by island communities and ecosystems.

We invite participants from diverse backgrounds, including academics, water professionals, private sector, and civil society stakeholders, who wish to present their work related to the theme and sub-themes, and are keen on engaging in the exchange of knowledge and information at the conference, to join our congress. 

Learn more and submit by clicking here.

Submissions are open until February 15th, 2024, so don’t miss this opportunity to share your insights, research, and expertise with a global audience! For any questions, please contact:

We look forward to your active participation in IWRA’s 1st Islands Congress and the valuable contributions you will bring to this international dialogue on freshwater and islands.

We look forward to your submissions by 15th February, 2024!