IWRA Land4Flood Task Force, is pleased to announce that the call for abstracts is now open for the LAND4FLOOD Conference 2023 “Land for flood risk management and resilience”, to be held September 27-29 2023, in Dortmund, Germany,
The IWRA Land4Flood Task Force, in cooperation with IWRA, will hold its first Land4Flood conference in Dortmund, Germany, from September 27 to 29, 2023, under the theme “Land for flood risk management and resilience”. The conference will be hosted by the “Land policy and land management” research group, part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund University.
Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of floods, causing higher fatalities and costs. Traditional flood protection measures provide only limited protection and can be complemented by nature-based solutions for flood risk management and resilience. Such measures not only serve to reduce risk, they also provide additional ecosystem services including increased biodiversity and recreation opportunities. However, a common characteristic of nature-based measures is that they need more land than traditional measures.
This LAND4FLOOD conference aims to provide a platform to exchange and discuss ideas to enhance water storage within catchments – in the hinterland, along the river on floodplains and in polders, and in cities. The focus of the upcoming conference is on land – as a biophysical system (including hydrological aspects), a socio-economic resource, and a solution to flood risk management.
We invite you to present, discuss and take part in current topics and research at the LAND4FLOOD Conference 2023 in Dortmund, Germany!
Themes to be covered at the Conference
Key Questions to be discussed at the Conference
- The hydrological effectiveness of nature-based measures for flood retention
- Conflicts between land uses when implementing nature-based measures
- Regulatory aspects of nature-based solution implementation and
- Financial considerations
- Which synergies can be identified between different land uses and the provision of flood storage and ecosystem services?
- How can the knowledge base about advantages and potentials of natural water retention measures, and flood retention at different scales be strengthened, and their importance communicated to different actors or stakeholders?
- How can landowners be encouraged to adapt their land use and land management strategies which allow for increased water retention capacity?
- How can public and private actors in urban and rural areas engage with each other to reduce flood damage through a comprehensive management plan based on the implementation of retention and resilience measures throughout the catchment?
Call for Abstracts
We invite academicians, policymakers, water managers, spatial planners, lawyers, and other stakeholders involved in spatial flood risk management to submit an abstract for oral presentations at the conference. Presentations on dealing with the implementation of natural water retention measures on private property are also welcome.
We also encourage young and aspiring academicians to participate! A workshop for PhD-students will be organised at the start of the conference, on September 27.
Please click here to access the abstract submission form. The deadline to submit an abstract has been extended to May 10th, 2023.
Click here to learn more abou the LAND4FLOOD Conference programme!