Road to Beijing – XVIII World Water Congress (Sep 11-15) ❗

The XVIII World Water Congress, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China and the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), came to a successful close on September 15th in Beijing, China. This remarkable event brought together 2980 registered attendees ranging from experts, scholars, and delegates from 83 countries and regions, along with 36 international organisations. 

Vice Minister of Water Resources, Wang Daoxi, represented the host country and delivered a closing remark expressing appreciation for the Congress. The closing ceremony was presided over by Jin Hai, Director General of the International Cooperation, Science and Technology Department, Ministry of Water Resources.

Renée Martin-Nagle and Shi Qiuchi, the Co-chairs of the International Scientific Committee of the XVIII World Water Congress, summarised the key takeaways from the Congress and announced the “Beijing Declaration.” This declaration, signed during the closing ceremony, calls on nations worldwide to efficiently use and protect water resources, promote innovation in water management principles and technologies, emphasise scientific decision-making in water resource management, address poverty through water issue resolutions, enhance water literacy, and foster international collaboration to tackle water challenges.

Throughout the Congress, numerous sessions, including 4 High-level plenary sessions, 36 Regular sessions, 74 Special sessions, and 15 Side events, were held, covering 6 sub-themes and 44 topics. More than 130 reports were presented, and over 80 exhibitions related to water-related issues were organized. The congress highlighted the importance of inclusive development, multilateral cooperation, and sharing successful water governance experiences to achieve the water-related goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Collective efforts and international collaboration will be instrumental in addressing water challenges and building a sustainable and water-secure future for all. 

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We thank you for your participation in Beijing!