IWRA 2020 General Assembly
24 September
Online Meeting
All IWRA members were invited to attend the 2020 General Assembly. The General Assembly was hold online via Zoom on September 24th at 2pm Central European time.

The agenda for this meeting was as follows:
Agenda Item | Speaker | |
Welcome remarks by the Secretary General | G. Fradin | |
Statement from the President | G. Eckstein | |
Activity report by the Executive Director | C. Clench | |
Financial update by the Treasurer | R. Martin-Nagle | |
Membership update by Chair of the Membership Committee | T. Soo | |
How to get more involved – a call to action by the President | G. Eckstein | |
Closing remarks by the Secretary General | G. Fradin |
The IWRA General Assembly offered the opportunity again in 2020 to learn more about the Association and to hear from some of the senior board members and staff. Not only members found out what is going on at IWRA, but also learnt about the new and exciting initiatives being planned, including online conferences and changes in the membership structure.
The recording of the General Assembly will be shortly posted it on our website, so that everyone can listen to the presentations at a later time if they were unable to join the meeting live. Any questions submitted either during the General Assembly or received via email afterwards will be answered online.
During this General Assembly, we shared some documents that can be reviewed again and included the following documents:
- IWRA’s Strategic Priorities Document
- IWRA’s Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
- IWRA’s recent Activity Reports
- The calls to host the XIX World Water Congress and IWRA Regional Water Congresses
- IWRA’s 2019 Financial Report
And, members were also invited to visit IWRA’s three main websites:
If you have any questions about the General Assembly, your membership or anything else, please contact us at office@iwra.org.